2 of 2 KGB second physical attack to stop my political asylum procedure in Poland and even public slender to get me hurt.
On original two hours and half long tape can be heard how I work out and also another individual whom I do not wish to involve in situation. ACCORDING to Rostislav:Librarian girl is a whore and I am "Alfonso" because I f*** women for money(I must have f*** many bye now according to Rostislav).Interesting and opposite from physical attack which Rostislav exercised against me in front if security officer because I left gym without arguments after he declined to give me even his ID in exchange for key, Rostislav allows himself to verbally insult me when askng same from me.In USA where severely tortured per KGB(it's what seats now even in White House as insane as it sounds), I was bullied by CIA which performed MKultra torture(Guantanamo