まず、ゆったりとした格好で身体を締めつるものはゆるめてすわりましょう。そして、頭のてっぺんから肛門まで、真っ直ぐな1本の線が通っている様に意識しましょう。そして、身体の中のモヤモヤとした不浄の気を全て出す様なイメージで口からゆるゆると息を吐き出しましょう。息を吐ききると、自然と清らかな空気が鼻から入ってきて身体の中を浄化していくとイメージしましょう。One should be seated on the floor, as if you are a Buddhist monk. Any snug or tight fitted outfit or other garments should be loosened.Imagine that you have an invisible pipe going through your body, from top to bottom.Breathe out, whilst imagining that you are a waterbag with some contaminated water, and the bag is slowly being squeezed so that the contaminated water is exiting through the top opening.Then, breathe in, as if you are being filled with purest and cleanest air, and the filth is being cleansed out of your body and soul.